Baldur’s Gate 3 players find useful bug that gives infinite spell slots

Noelle Corbett
A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3’s spell slots are a valuable and limited resource, which makes a recently discovered exploit all the more useful for magically inclined players.

One of the many mechanics Baldur’s Gate 3 takes from Dungeons & Dragons is the ideal of spell slots.

A somewhat controversial mechanic that even the game’s director hates, spell slots determine how many times a spellcaster can use their magic before needing a rest. Spells and spell slots also have levels, with stronger spells being precious commodities thanks to their strength and the limited number of high-level spell slots you’ll have at any given time.

However, players have found an exploit within the game that essentially gives them unlimited spell slots of all levels.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Illithid Powers bug gives unlimited spell slots

While there are ways to restore spell slots between rests – such as the Spellcrux Amulet and the Wizard’s Arcane Recovery class action – there is a bug with one Illithid Power that players can exploit to essentially get infinite spell slots.

As shared by Ant_of_Doom on the BaldursGate3 subreddit, players who unlock the Freecast (an Elite Illithid Power that can be unlocked if you use the Astral-Touched Tadpole at the end of Act 2) can pretty easily use any spell of any level as often as they want.

Though Freecast is supposed to be available once per long rest, there are ways to get it to reset more often.

One requires you to have stolen the Idol of Sylvanus from the Druid Grove in Act 1. Simply entering and exiting the item’s radius will refresh Freecast.

Another even simpler method pointed out by commenter tweaktheflow is to simply equip an item, such as a necklace or even underwear. This will also refresh Freecast, though it does require an action making it less useful in combat than the previous method.

Either of these methods is pretty simple to pull off so long as you have Freecast, and the latter method is accessible to anyone regardless of whether they took the Idol.

Like other exploits – such as one allowing you to get the Helldusk Armor as early as Act 1 – there’s a good chance Larian will patch this out in a future update. Still, it’s currently a useful trick that’ll be especially helpful for those who need all the advantages they can get in Honor Mode.

If you liked this, be sure to check out the rest of our Baldur’s Gate 3 coverage, which includes the latest news, guides, and much more.

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About The Author

Noelle is a Senior Games Writer for Dexerto who can usually be found playing an RPG. Her favorites include Persona, Pokemon, and DnD. When she isn't writing or gaming, Noelle is probably making silly noises at her dog. She can be reached at