What is Viking Wolf about? Netflix werewolf movie explained

Cameron Frew
The poster for Viking Wolf on Netflix

Viking Wolf, a new Norwegian werewolf movie, has just dropped on Netflix – here’s a rundown on what the movie’s about, who’s in it, and what you can expect.

While Netflix has had huge hits with the likes of Stranger ThingsWednesday, and Bridgerton, its foreign-language shows and movies are among the very best the streaming platform has to offer.

Just recently, All Quiet On The Western Front became an Oscars frontrunner, while movies and shows like Shahmaran, Narvik, and The Snow Girl entered the top 10 chart.

So, if you’ve clocked Viking Wolf on your Netflix account, you may be wondering: what’s it about, and is it worth diving in?

What is Viking Wolf about?

The official synopsis for the movie reads: “17-year-old Thale must move with her parents to a small town when her mother gets a job at the local police department.

“After a student is brutally murdered at a party that Thale attends, she suddenly becomes a key witness. Who, or rather what, was the killer?”

In the trailer, we see two young girls covered in blood under the shine of a full moon. Offscreen, we can hear the growl of a werewolf as one of them is dragged into the woods.

The rest of the trailer deals with the mounting mystery: is a wild wolf killing people in the town, or is it something more monstrous? It’s not a spoiler to say: yes, and it’s Thale who’s the werewolf.

Viking Wolf cast

Viking Wolf stars Liv Mjönes, Elli Rhiannon Müller Osborne, Arthur Hakalahti, Sjur Vatne Brean, and Vidar Magnussen.

The movie is directed by Stig Svendsen and written alongside Espen Auken, and it’s been billed as Norway’s first-ever werewolf film. In Norway, it’s titled Vikingulven.

Is Viking Wolf worth watching?

With a runtime of just 100 minutes, you won’t lose too much of your evening to Viking Wolf – but reviews have been mixed.

Alex Wiggan for It’s A Stampede wrote: “While Viking Wolf is mostly fine, it isn’t something which stands out from the crowd. This is sadly a standard werewolf movie, which provides some entertainment, but I doubt it will linger in the mind once the credits roll.”

Karina Adelgaard for Heaven Of Horror also wrote: “It’s not my favorite werewolf movie, but I did enjoy it more than I expected. It does feel a tad too long and I could’ve done without the stereotypical stupid characters that ruin the darker vibe of the story.”

Arnav Srivastav for High On Films wrote: “Viking Wolf feels like an empty and derivative recreation of genre mechanics that have taken years to mature. Almost every move it makes is predictable and manages to create a barely serviceable experience, which is disappointing given the wealth of Norway’s cultural legends.”

Viking Wolf is streaming on Netflix now.