Guardians of the Galaxy star hints at possible DC dream casting

Kayla Harrington
Karen Gillan in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Karen Gillan, one of the stars of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, has revealed her dream role within James Gunn’s DC universe.

DC co-CEOs James Gunn and Peter Safran are beginning to take the DCEU into a whole new direction thanks to their new line-up of movies.

From Superman: Legacy to the upcoming Batman film The Brave and the Bold, the pair are trying to inject new life into the brand using new faces for iconic comic book roles.

And it seems like one of the stars of Guardians of the Galaxy is ready to throw her hat in the ring as Karen Gillan has recently revealed who she would like to play in the DCEU.

Gillan hopes for comic book accurate role of Poison Ivy

The actress had a chat with ScreenRant to promote her new movie Sleeping Dogs, and she was asked to clarify some past comments she had made about joining Gunn’s new universe.

Gillan stated that she always thought Poison Ivy was “really fun” and hoped that Gunn would ask her to audition for that specific role.

When asked if which version of Poison Ivy she would like to play, Gillan seemed to favor the comic book iteration that also has a romantic relationship with another iconic DC villain stating, “Oooh. That’s a good question. In a relationship with Harley Quinn sounds excellent.”

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy in Harley Quinn

Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn have shown to be in a romantic relationship both in various comic books and within Harley’s solo HBO series titled after her, but the pair have never been shown in a live-action capacity.

It would be very interesting to see Gillan bring this character to life and it wouldn’t be that farfetched for the actress to join forces with Gunn once again as he directed all three of the Guardians of the Galaxy films, plus Gillan has said that working with Gunn has been “one of the great joys of my career so far.”