Threads web app finally available two months after launch

Dylan Horetski
threads web app

Meta’s Twitter competitor, Threads, has finally gotten a web app just two months after the platform launched, and it’s available now.

Launched on July 5, 2023, Meta’s Twitter competitor Threads quickly amassed over 100 million users on the Instagram-integrated platform.

It was missing quite a few features at launch, although Meta quickly added things like the commonly asked for following feed.

Their latest major addition to the platform is a web app, which is finally available for users to enjoy.

Threads web app finally available

To access the web app, head over to the existing Threads website. Instead of the “Get this app” QR code that Meta has provided on the site since July 5, you’ll be met with the platform’s login page.

Go through the process, and the website will refresh to show Threads’ new web interface. It’s quite barebones at the moment, but, with the way they’ve been introducing new features, we can safely say it’ll change quite a bit in the near future.

The website has the different sections listed on the top center of the page with a Threads logo to the left of it.

On the top right side of the screen you’ll see two lines that allow you to switch between dark and light modes, and it also gives you the option to log out from the site.

You can switch between the algorithm and following feeds as well through a button on the bottom left, but that’s it for features on the new web app.

We’ll keep you updated as Meta releases more features to the web, but for now many are excited to access the platform without using their phone.