Kitchen Nightmares: All the red flags Gordon Ramsay found at Da Mimmo

Stephanie Harper
kitchen nightmares

Da Mimmo was full of red flags when Gordon Ramsay arrived to film Kitchen Nightmares. Now, the restaurant is thriving with all of Gordon’s positive changes and updates.

When Gordon Ramsay stepped foot inside Da Mimmo on Kitchen Nightmares, he noticed several things that didn’t make him feel too happy.

On every episode of this hit reality TV show, Gordon pinpoints all the ways a restaurant might be failing in attempt to help them turn things around.

The good news about Da Mimmo is that the restaurant is still up and running today, which means they must’ve taken a lot of his advice to heart. Before making necessary changes, these are some of the red flags Gordon pointed out.

Red flags at Da Mimmo

Red flag number one? Gordon said he didn’t believe Da Mimmo offered a true Italian vibe based on the ambiance. Then, he noticed that communication between the kitchen chef and the pizza chef was a bit off. Keep in mind that the pizza chef is Antonio Gigante, one of the brothers who runs the restaurant.

After that, Gordon tasted the food and revealed that none of it impressed him aside from the soup. From his perspective, nearly everything on the menu could’ve used some improvement.

Next, the kitchen chef opened up with her own complaints about the way the restaurant was functioning based on the low-quality products at her disposal.

Later in the episode, Gordon noticed smoke in the air in the kitchen, unwashed dishes in a messy pile, and customers being served food after waiting incredibly long periods of time.

Gordon Ramsay on Kitchen Nightmares.

In the freezer, Gordon came across loads of rotten food including mussels, chicken, and produce. He was (rightfully) enraged by the sight of it.

Gordon ultimately saved the day by setting the brothers up with a lesson from a master pizza maker to teach them how to make an undeniably delicious pizza.

He also revamped the inside of the restaurant and reworked the whole menu. His significant contributions have created positive and lasting change for Da Mimmo.