Top 10 most viewed Hogwarts Legacy Twitch streamers: February 2023

Zackerie Fairfax
hogwarts legacy twitch stats

When Hogwarts Legacy launched on next-gen consoles and PC, it immediately shot to the top of Twitch, shattering viewership records, and here are the top 10 streamers for the month of February.

Despite many streamers boycotting streaming, buying, and playing Hogwarts Legacy, the title quickly shot to the top of Twitch in terms of viewership. It went on to smash the Twitch viewership record for a single-player game, reaching 1.2 million concurrent viewers.

At the top of the list of streamers are the likes of Fextralife, xQc, and even the game’s own developers AvalancheSoftware.

Of course, the game has only been available in early access for a few days and was officially released on Friday, February 10, so the list is bound to fluctuate over the next month. But for now, here are the top 10 Hogwarts Legacy streamers on Twitch.

Hogwarts Legacy best-selling

Most watched Hogwarts Legacy streamers on Twitch (February 2023)

In February, the leading Hogwarts Legacy streamer was Fextralife trailed closely by xQc. While only having a 30k hour difference in total watch time, Fextralife streamed Hogwarts Legacy almost four times as long as xQc.

Six of the top ten streamers were English-speaking channels, including summit1g, zackrawrr (Asmongold alt), and the Hogwarts Legacy developers AvalancheSoftware. Each channel has racked up hundreds of thousands of hours of watch time in just a few short days.

Here were the most-watched Hogwarts Legacy streamers on Twitch as of February 11, 2023, according to SullyGnome’s stats:

StreamerWatch Time (hours)Stream Time (hours)Peak Viewers

At the time of writing, just a day after the game’s official launch, Hogwarts Legacy is down to 323k concurrent viewers. This could mean the hype is dying down, as single-player games historically have difficulty retaining viewer and streamer interest.

That said, there could be a resurgence of viewers in April when the releases on Xbox One and PS4 and in July when it releases on Nintendo Switch.