Rockstar addresses GTA Online bug that’s deleting everybody’s cars

Kurt Perry
GTA Online 50 car garage as seen in update reveal trailer.

Rockstar Games has responded to complaints about a game-breaking bug in GTA Online that is causing players to have their vehicles permanently deleted.

A huge glitch has been discovered in GTA Online that is costing players millions of dollars. The glitch is causing bought vehicles to not be properly insured meaning they are disappearing forever after being destroyed.

Ordinarily, all purchased vehicles are automatically insured letting players pay a small fee to reclaim it in the event of it being destroyed. However, that isn’t currently the case with vehicles instead vanishing from existence.

This bug has caused hysteria in the GTA community with players terrified of losing their valuable cars. Thankfully, developer Rockstar has responded and has plans to set things right.

Rockstar Games to fix GTA Online insurance bug ASAP

GTA 5 developer Rockstar Games has confirmed that it is investigating the game-breaking insurance bug that is seeing players have their vehicles permanently deleted.

Posting on its official support Twitter, the studio stated: “We are aware of an issue with vehicles and the loss of vehicle insurance in GTA Online. We are currently working to resolve this and will share an update as soon as it is available.”

The insurance bug was first brought to the attention of the wider GTA community in a post showing it in action.

OP purchases Full Coverage insurance on a Lynx Ocelot worth $1,735,000. They then drive it outside, blow it up, and attempt to reclaim it through Mors Mutual Insurance. However, the service doesn’t work and they are unable to reclaim their destroyed vehicle.

The implications behind the insurance bug are potentially troublesome given GTA Online’s monetization model. Players are able to buy Shark Cards that convert real money into in-game money with the biggest package offering $10,000,000 in-game for $100 USD.

That means it’s currently possible for someone to spend $100 USD on microtransactions, use a large chunk of that to buy an expensive car, and then lose that vehicle forever shortly after.

Naturally, Rockstar does offer customer service for players affected by bugs like this but the responses aren’t always useful.

One player impacted by the insurance bug tried to reclaim a lost Pegassi Oppressor Mk II. Their ticket was dismissed with a Rockstar Support representative informing them they could not verify ownership of the bike so nothing could be done.

Until the bug is fixed GTA Online players are best advised to avoid partaking in dangerous activities. Those with valuable garages who are especially concerned may want to consider avoiding the game entirely.