Genshin Impact devs hint at end-game content in future updates

Rishov Mukherjee
A screenshot of Genshin Impact archons

Genshin Impact, ever since its release has been subject to criticism due to a lack of replayable end-game content. However, it seems like the developers are finally trying to address this in future updates.

Genshin Impact is a casual game at its core. Most of the players play to pull for new characters and have some fun doing quests and running around the world.

There is, however, a very small section of fans that play the game dedicatedly and spend time optimally building their characters to deal as much damage as possible. Unfortunately, these players are not happy as there is no place in the game to limit test these optimal characters.

However, the developers have recently released a blog post claiming that they want to introduce permanent gameplay modes in the future. Here is what we know about the potential end-game content for Genshin Impact.

A screenshot of Nilou from Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact might be adding end game features very soon

Genshin Impact will have Permanent Gameplay modes in the future

The blog post released by Genshin Impact focused on one crucial area of complaint for the game. The developers have heard pleas from players asking for event-specific gameplay modes to become permanent.

Genshin Impact’s events have several combat-based activities that can work as end-game content. However, these modes are tied to events and disappear as soon as the latter comes to an end.

The developers want to assure the players that they are already working to ensure that some of these event-specific gameplay modes become permanent in the future. They will add some kind of a system that will be beneficial for the long-term success of the game.

Unfortunately, the developers also feel that the current event-specific gameplay modes are not “fleshed out” enough to become permanent. However, the developers are working on something more concrete that will be released when the time is right.

In the meantime, Genshin Impact will continue to take feedback from its player base with regard to permanent gameplay modes that can be potentially implemented in future updates.

Be sure to check out our Genshin Impact home page for all the latest news and information on the game.