Undertale players convinced Deltarune hints are hidden in early Valentine’s artwork

Scott Baird
Kris meeting Spamtom in Deltarune

Undertale creator Toby Fox has uploaded Deltarune Valentine’s Day artwork, and fans think there could be hints hidden in the drawings.

While the story of Undertale has technically concluded, its characters live on in Deltarune, a quasi-sequel game set in an alternate universe or timeline, where events have played out differently, and familiar faces have lived different lives.

Deltarune is an episodic game with several chapters still waiting to be released, so fans are chomping at the bit for any information about the upcoming story. This means that any social media posts made by the game’s creator, Toby Fox, are swiftly examined for clues.

There haven’t been many updates since the Undertale/Deltarune crossover with Among Us, but that has now changed, thanks to a strange post that fans think has hidden clues, causing them to take a CSI approach.

Deltarune fans think Valentine’s Day artwork might have a secret image

Despite being a month early, Toby Fox posted some Undertale & Deltarune Valentine’s Day drawings on his Twitter/X account. These drawings were done on paper and photographed, with fans quickly noticing visible drawings beneath the page.

A user on the Deltarune Reddit highlighted the artwork beneath the page, showing what appears to be a reindeer girl. They speculated that this is a drawing of Noelle, one of the playable characters in Deltarune, as she might appear in a future chapter.

Other users have speculated that this character is actually Noelle’s sister, Dess, who is either missing or deceased during the events of Deltarune. “DESS DESS DESS THAT’S NOT WHAT NOELLE’S HAIR LOOKS LIKE THAT’S DESS,” one overly excited user pointed out on Twitter.

While Dess’ fate is unclear, many fans speculate that she is somehow “lost” in the code of Deltarune and is trying to escape or contact someone about her plight. This is due to strange messages found by datamining the game from someone trapped and alone.

The drawing could hint that she’s set to appear in a future chapter of Deltarune. Either that or it is some obscure reference to her fate, as she’s always just out of bounds, in a place where the player can never find her.

If any of this seems farfetched, then it bears mentioning that Toby Fox is absolutely the kind of creator who would include a hint like this. Fox is the kind of person who puts secret messages in the code for the Undertale website, so hidden ink drawings are right up his alley.