The Finals players remove “worst” map from the game themselves as devs won’t do it

John Esposito
The Finals players remove “worst” map from the game themselves as devs won't do it

Since The Finals arrived, Las Vegas 2032 has earned itself the top spot of least liked maps. With that in mind, a trio of players decided to remove the map from the game themselves.

Since The Finals arrived, much has been said about the game’s map pool. Currently, there are only four maps, Las Vegas, Monaco, Seoul, and Skyway Stadium, although each map has a unique set of modifiers making the experience feel different.

The consensus among players on the in-game map pool is that Seoul and Monaco are some of the better maps, while Vegas and Skyway Stadium aren’t so much. However, the conversation can go either way, with some hating Seoul and Monaco, and crowning the latter two maps as their favorites.

The ire towards Las Vegas has reached new heights, as one player and their squad took it upon themselves to remove Vegas from the map pool.

The Finals squad completely demolishes Las Vegas 2032

In a post shared to the game’s subreddit, The Finals player MasterAenox shared how much they can’t stand the map. “Devs won’t remove Vegas, so my buddies and I did,” they said in the post.

With the help of the Heavy’s sledgehammer, the trio shutdown the bright lights of Las Vegas 2032, as they completely demolished the map.

Given this all went down in a real match, the level of destruction is quite the feat, which many of the replies shared. “Good job, Vegas is one of my favorite demolition maps, the pillars just cause everything to fall apart. Never broke it this far before though,” one player said.

Another jokingly replied the job wasn’t finished: “Is that the shad pillars thing I see still standing? Nope, not considering it gone until thats gone.” MasterAenox replied they couldn’t finish since their team was getting hammered by a team of Medium players.

Vegas fans did come forward to denounce the act of destruction. One player said: “How is Vegas worse than the map where the cash out box can be inside an indestructible elevator with 2 entrances?” Another presented a more balanced take: “Vegas is the worst, but it’s still a B tier.”

With The Finals in its relative infancy, it’s possible changes may come though in the future to make Vegas more likable in the community.