First gameplay for The Invincible revealed at PC Gaming Show 2022

Philip Trahan
the invincible key art header

Story-driven space adventure title The Invincible received a gameplay reveal trailer during the PC Gaming Show and it looks stunning.

The PC Gaming Show 2022 followed the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase on June 12 with plenty of announcements and world premiers of its own.

One of the standout reveals came from developer Starward Industries who debuted the first gameplay demo of its story-driven sci-fi title The Invincible.

The demo featured over five uninterrupted minutes of gameplay, showing what players can expect before diving into The Invincible’s desolate planet of Regis III.

The Invincible reveals lengthy gameplay demo

the invincible giant robot demo
During The Invincible’s gameplay reveal, the protagonist Yasna discovers that a deadly autonomous Antimatter Cannon has come back online.

The trailer begins with the game’s protagonist, astrobiologist Yasna, driving around Regis III’s sandy terrain in a rover-like vehicle.

Yasna explores Regis III while communicating with a fellow astronaut, Novik, before stumbling upon a supposedly abandoned outpost.

The demo sees Yasna discovering what happened to the other astronauts at the outpost, piecing together clues by investigating the environment and choosing dialogue options with Novik.

Yasna explores Regis III further, gathering more information as to what may have caused the deaths of the astronauts at the outpost, before encountering some strange anomaly involving an autonomous robot.

Yasna follows the robot to the encampment where a previously deactivated Antimatter Cannon comes to life and obliterates the robot as Yasna attempts to avoid the cannon’s line of sight.

The demo ends with the Antimatter Cannon spotting Yasna as she responds with one final line of player-chosen dialogue before the cannon fires at her: “Take care of our people, Novik.”

While the demo’s gameplay focused on the slower, more story-driven elements of The Invincible, the scenario that Starward Industries displayed was incredibly engrossing.

Players interested in unraveling the mystery surrounding The Invincible can look forward to a 2023 release on PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PS5.