Police shut down KSI and Logan Paul meet-up in Australia

Carver Fisher

KSI and Logan Paul were planning a meet-up in Perth, Australia to meet their fans and promote PRIME hydration, but the police shut down their event before it even started.

Between their influencer boxing exploits, massive YouTube channels with tens of millions of subscribers, and the success of PRIME Hydration, it’s safe to say that KSI and Logan Paul are internationally famous influencers.

They’ve got fans all around the world, and they were planning on a tour through Australia to meet up with their fans and give out some free bottles of PRIME.

However, their plans in Perth got cut short by local police “before we could even start” according to KSI. Fans are hoping that their Sydney meet-up won’t suffer the same fate.

KSI and Logan Paul meet-up shut down by police in Perth

On February 6, KSI Tweeted out a set of images revealing that him and Logan Paul would be headed to two of Australia’s biggest cities for a fan meet-up.

They planned to give away 2,000 bottles of PRIME Hydration at each event, with the line starting over two hours before the event even began.

KSI and Logan Paul clearly anticipated these meet-ups to attract a large audience. However, their first event in Perth has hit an unexpected roadblock: The police shut them down before the meet-up even started.

While KSI hasn’t revealed the details at the time of writing, he’s confirmed that the event has been cancelled.

It’s as of yet unclear if the Sydney event has been cancelled, but, as of right now, their planned tour in Australia has already been crippled. We’ll keep you updated when more details come out about the future of their meet-up tour, as well as whether or not the Sydney event will happen.