Liver King sued for $25m over “deceiving” customers with steroid use

Lawrence Scotti

Brian ‘Liver King’ Johnson is being sued by a New York man for “deceiving” customers of his Ancestral Supplements company after revealing in early December that he’s been using steroids.

Liver King stunned the internet back on December 2 when he admitted to using steroids.

The bodybuilder and supplement seller had previously claimed to be all-natural, but after his private emails leaked revealing he was using been using roughly $11,000 of steroids monthly, he fessed up.

Now, a man in New York is taking legal action against the 45-year-old, suing him for $25 million.

Liver King
Liver King has over 1 million followers on Instagram.

Liver King sued over “deceiving” supplement buyers

In the lawsuit seen by the New York Post, Johnson is being sued by a New York man named Christopher Altomare in the Manhattan Supreme Court.

The lawsuit was filed against both Ancestral Supplements, LLC and The Fittest Ever, LLC, and claims Liver King for allegedly “conning” consumers into buying his products.

The suit, which was filed on December 28, accuses Johnson of purposefully appearing shirtless to promote “himself as the epitome of health.” Altomare’s suit claims Liver was hocking “a dangerous and life-threatening diet,” causing some to endure “severe” food-borne sicknesses.

Liver King made the central point of many of his videos the raw meats he consumed, displaying massive portions of liver, testicles, kidneys, and hearts. Their case claims that the diet is quite unsustainable, and the consumers would then need to buy the supplements Johnson was selling, according to the lawsuit.

Altomare’s case also alleges he and other buyers wouldn’t have bought the products had it been revealed Johnson was on steroids the entire time.