How many videos are there on YouTube?

Alice Sjöberg
How many videos are there on YouTube?

YouTube is the second most visited website in the world, just after Google, as people go to the site to watch an endless supply of videos. But how many videos are there in total on YouTube?

As one of the earliest video platforms, YouTube is still standing strong with approximately 122 million daily users and over 2.1 billion monthly users, making it more popular than TikTok.

Before dances and filters became the popular type of content to go viral, videos like Charlie bit my finger and 15-year-old Keenan Cahill lipsyncing to Katy Perry were all the rage.

With a constant stream of new videos being uploaded to the platform over the past 18 years, you’ll never run out of things to watch.

But how many videos have been uploaded since the platform opened in 2005?

How many videos are there on YouTube?


The exact number is not calculated, but it’s estimated there are there are over 1 billion videos on YouTube on YouTube, according to TechPluto.

This massive library of videos is uploaded and viewed across 37 million active YouTube channels.

It’s hard to quantify how many have been uploaded on YouTube in total since more content is being uploaded constantly.

How many videos are uploaded to YouTube per minute?

Every minute, over 500 hours (about 3 weeks) of video are uploaded to YouTube.

According to Global Media Insight, that’s equivalent to over 300,000 hours (about 34 years) of video every day. This represents around 30,000 hours of new video content being uploaded per hour.

According to Statista, the average length of a YouTube video is around 11.7 minutes. This means that it would take approximately 9.36 billion minutes to watch every single video.

That’s 156 million hours, 6.5 million days, or 17,810 years of consecutive video watching. And that’s assuming everyone stopped uploading new videos in the meantime!

For more about YouTube and its creators, you can check some of our other content below:

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