FaZe Swagg roasts Trainwreck’s “goofy” style after Warzone tournament

Theo Salaun
faze swagg trainwrecks

After winning the $100,000 Toronto Ultra Warzone tournament, FaZe Swagg posted a picture in celebration. After immediately having his style roasted by Trainwrecks, the Warzone streamer has clapped back. 

You just won a lot of money in a daylong tournament and met up with a few friends afterwards to celebrate. You feel good, think you look good, and post a picture on Twitter wearing matching sneakers with one of your buddies. Another friend comments, gassing you up for looking “sexy as hell,” but suddenly, he proceeds to roast your shoes for the whole world to see.

What do you do? Well, if you’re Swagg, you clap back with quickness.

Swagg and his longtime friend, JSmoothHD, have matching Tactical Nuke chains, FaZe Clan gear, and white-on-white Air Max 97’s. That’s what friends are for; going out and eating steak to celebrate a gaming tournament win (and maybe wearing some matching clothes along the way). 

But friends are also here for roasts, as Trainwrecks proved true by immediately taking offense to one part of Swagg’s outfit. Insistent that he will “keep it a buck” and does not care “what rappers wear,” Trainwrecks took aim at Swagg’s sneakers.


Summarizing the Air Maxes, which are an objective streetwear icon, as “ugly as hell,” Mr. Wrecks then proceed to equate Swagg with a “crosswalk woman mixed with a 67-year-old cyclist wearing reflective gear.” 

He obviously has a very specific vision in mind, and one has to imagine that “crosswalk woman” refers to school crossing guards who wear reflective vests. One thing is abundantly clear: Trainwrecks doesn’t care if those sneakers are popular among rappers (or know that they are actually popular across much of the world) and believes that wearing them makes you look like an older person concerned with incoming traffic.

And, in response, it is clear that Swagg is unbothered and does not believe he is the one who lacks fashion sense.


In his retort, the newfound tournament champion kept it simple and let the Scuffed Podcast host know that he is “goofy” and probably wears every American teenager’s preferred set of footwear: Vans.

And through this saga we are all reminded of the simple fact that friends should feel free to match with each other and, at all times and across all mediums, roast each other.