Destiny’s original Paul McCartney-led soundtrack teased for The Final Shape return

Liam Ho
Destiny 2 Guardian fighting Tormentor

Destiny’s original soundtrack composed by Paul McCartney may be seeing a potential return, to some degree, for The Final Shape expansion.

Destiny has gone through some major changes since the game’s first release back in 2014. Throughout several expansions and years, the game, its systems, and its story have all changed drastically, becoming so much more than what players had originally anticipated back then. Not only have we received new weapons, subclasses, and enemies, but we’ve lost companions, and gained new friends and enemies all the same.

With Lightfall very much underway, Destiny 2 is nearing the end of its Light and Dark saga. The Final Shape will conclude the story as we know it for Destiny 2, which started all the way back in the original game. With the expansion wrapping up all loose ends, Bungie is seemingly pulling out all the stops to ensure it remains memorable in the players’ minds.

One such way may be through reviving the iconic music of the franchise, bringing in some of the sounds of old. The Destiny Music Discord server discovered that Bungie’s orchestral recording of The Final Shape has both Paul McCartney and O’Donnell. Both of whom had composed the original soundtrack for Destiny 1.

Destiny players discover original soundtrack might be reprised in Final Shape

User AtlyxMusic posted to Reddit to share the exciting news with fellow Destiny fans.

“Bungie is recording the live orchestra elements for the Final Shape OST in Nashville this week. Ella Feingold, one of Bungie’s music orchestrators, has been posting some pictures of the process to Instagram, and one of her posts has the names “M. O’Donnell” and “P. McCartney” in it on the sheet music.”

Atlyx also shared the photo that was posted on Instagram, listing both O’Donnell and McCartney on the sheet music.

Instagram image of sheet music by Bungie composer

They did clarify that this doesn’t necessarily mean that the pair is returning to compose new music for Destiny, more so Bungie might be reprising some of their iconic tunes. It’s likely we’ll be seeing melodies brought in from vanilla Destiny 1, evoking nostalgia and awe from players.

How exactly they’ll use this music is yet to be known, but one thing is certain, Destiny 2 players are excited to hear the music they once fell in love with.