Baldur’s Gate 3 voice actor claims his entire job was to “do the sexy sounds”

Liam Ho
A screenshot from Baldur's Gate 3.

A Baldur’s Gate 3 voice actor claimed he was brought on by Larian Studios to not voice any actual lines, but instead be the voice of the “sexy sounds” found in the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has been absolutely blowing up the internet with its monumental release. The RPG hosted in the world of DnD has taken off with critics and fans alike, many of whom have invested countless hours into the game on its release.

Another part of the game that has gone down well with the internet is the various not-so-family-friendly sex scenes and nudity that occur throughout the journey. One particular encounter with an elfish vampire and bear left everyone with their heads in a spin.

Now another voice actor for Baldur’s Gate 3 has come forth to enlighten the internet on what developers Larian Studios asked of them.

Voice actor says they were brought on purely to voice sex scenes in Baldur’s Gate 3

Voice actor Alex Jordan who has acted in several games like Final Fantasy XVI and Demon Souls is no stranger to the craft. No matter what’s asked of them, they’re keen to hop in and provide their voice to characters.

However, when Larian Studios approached Jordan, it was with a slightly different intent. Jordan said they were asked by Larian Studios if they’d like to voice act in Baldur’s Gate 3. Of course, being such a huge game Jordan jumped at the chance to voice in the game.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t Jordan’s speaking voice that Larian wanted.

baldur's gate 3 dlc
Baldur’s Gate 3 allows you to get comfortable with your fellow companions, in more ways than one.

“They said, ‘no no, not a role, we’ve finished recording all that stuff I’m afraid. What we need is sexy sounds, do you want to come in and do the sexy sounds?’”

Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Jordan hesitantly said yes.

“So I went into the studio… and it was very awkward as I made sounds like mmm and ughhh, and then I kissed my hand a whole lot.”

Larian Studios was also kind enough to provide Jordan with their own copy of Baldur’s Gate 3, who’ll likely hear his very own “sexy sounds” as they stream the game on their Twitch channel.