Genius Apex Legends idea adds Call of Duty’s prestige system & rewards

Joe Craven
Bloodhound in Apex Legends

Apex Legends players are calling on Respawn to add a Prestige system similar to that of the Call of Duty series, with the concept even helping to diminish the problem of overpriced skins in the battle royale title. 

Despite the overwhelming popularity of Apex Legends since its early 2019 launch, two features that have been hot topics for the community are the price of cosmetics and the levelling-up of players.

On the former, there have been fairly frequent criticisms from the player side, with many suggesting the best skins are too expensive. Those criticisms have been amplified in recent weeks, after a Prestige Bloodhound skin was revealed to only be available on collection of all 24 event cosmetics – costing roughly $164.

On the latter, concerns have been raised over the level-capping in Apex Legends, and how it could discourage experienced players from investing more time. A new Prestige concept, though, would solve both issues.

Bloodhound Prestige skin
Bloodhound’s Prestige skin has raised the ire of many Apex players.

The idea comes by way of ‘Woogz_‘ on Reddit, who shared it to the game’s subreddit on February 11.

Titled “What the level system could have been like,” it shows a player reaching Level 1,000 in-game and being rewarded with a prestige.

The prestige resets their level to 1, as well as giving them the choice of a prestige skin as a reward.

The full in-game message reads: “Reaching max level 1,000 will increase your prestige level and reset your level back to 1. Every time your prestige level increases, you can unlock a single prestige skin of your chosen legend.”

The post received largely positive feedback on the game’s subreddit, sitting at over 3,000 upvotes at the time of writing. Many liked the idea, seeing it as encouraging veteran players to keep playing, as well as ensuring the Prestige skins do not come at an extortionately high cost.

Respawn are known to take community feedback on board, but such a system could take a lot of implementation and fly in the face of some of their plans.

For now, drop into Season 12 and enjoy all the new content it has brought.