She-Hulk: What we want from Season 2, including more Daredevil

Chris Tilly

Season 1 of She-Hulk has drawn to a close, which means it’s now time to look ahead to the inevitable Season 2. So BEWARE OF SPOILERS AHEAD.

In typically She-Hulk fashion, Season 1 ended with Jennifer Walters berating Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige – or rather his AI alter-ego K.E.V.I.N. – for everything the MCU was doing wrong with her character in the finale.

She suggested some improvements, which the AI enacted, then said she had some ideas for the direction of Season 2, which K.E.V.I.N. had absolutely no interest in.

But we too have ideas about where we’d like to see the series go, so if you’re reading this Kev, please make them happen.

1. More Daredevil

The interplay between Jennifer Walters and Matt Murdock was funny, adorable, and sexy. While when She-Hulk and Daredevil teamed up to take down Leap-Frog, it was both awesome, and hilarious. So more of this please Marvel.

They make a cute couple, and both characters deserve to find love. We might get our wish too, as with Matt visiting Jen at the end of Episode 9 – and meeting the potential future in-laws at a family barbecue – it looks like they are well on their way to becoming a couple.

2. More cameos

She-Hulk was chock-full of fun cameos, so more of those please. But not celebrities like Megan Thee Stallion, which felt like stunt casting for social media hits. We want more superheroes for She-Hulk to interact with – big names from the MCU, and deep cuts from the comics.

So give us a Spider-Man cameo, a visit from Howard the Duck, and maybe a court case involving Ant-Man and the Wasp. Or why not have Titania team up with her old partner in crime Volcana, and then give Jameela Jamil something actually interesting to do with the character in Season 2?

Tatiana Maslany as She-Hulk AND Jennifer Walters.

3. Better CGI

She-Hulk was heavily criticised for its poor computer-generated imagery, with the title character looking pretty ropey in some scenes. But it’s a TV show on a TV budget, so can’t be expected to have movie-quality effects.

The show even acknowledges these shortcomings in the final episode, when K.E.V.I.N. states that She-Hulk is very expensive, so asks that Jen appear onscreen in her human form. But Season 1 has been a success, so let’s up that budget just a little for Season 2.

4. A dangerous villain

She-Hulk isn’t a tale of good vs evil, but rather a light courtroom comedy with some romance thrown in. The angry young men of Intelligencia – who were the Season 1 villains – made sense both narratively and thematically.

But let’s up the ante in Season 2, as the show can still have fun and games while Jen is facing off against an actual threat. So add some danger and excitement to the mix by introducing a potentially deadly villain to the show.

5. Emotional stakes

We haven’t really got a sense of the physical, mental, and emotional toll that being She-Hulk is having on Jennifer Walters, which seems like rich drama to be mined, to up the emotional stakes.

The show doesn’t have to get all-out serious going forward, but if those she loves get threatened by the Season 2 villain, Jen will really care about what’s happening, and as a by-product, so will we.

There’s no word yet on She-Hulk Season 2, but rest assure we’ll cover any news as-and-when it breaks.