Xbox’s new controller ban won’t stop cheaters using XIM

Microsoft’s attempt to block unlicensed third-party controllers and peripherals does not affect cheat devices such as XIM Matrix and XIM Nexus, but does affect members of the Fighting Game Community and those using accessibility controllers.
The latest operating system update for the Xbox announced to users of third-party controllers that their devices would cease to work on November 12, 2023.
This change affected a broad spectrum of users, including members of the Fighting Game Community who used adapters such as those produced by Brook Gaming. Also affected are gamers with disabilities who use special accessibility controllers. Another group hit by the change was First-Person Shooter fans who used cheat devices such as the XIM Matrix and XIM Nexus.
Some in the FPS community were hopeful that the update would block the use of these cheat devices and level the playing field. However, that does not seem to be the case. XIM devices use a loophole where an OEM Xbox controller is used to authenticate the XIM device, meaning the Xbox only detects the authentic first-party device and doesn’t block the cheat device at all.
XIM users relieved
Users of XIM devices expressed relief on the XIM forums after the makers of XIM confirmed that the update has been tested with XIM Matrix and Nexus devices with no problems, while the Brook adapter they tested at the same time was blocked with Error 0x82d60002.
Other users have expressed disappointment in this development, noting that small third-party businesses that supply niche products are disproportionately affected. At present only one third-party wireless controller is officially licensed, the PowerA MOGA XP-Ultra. This leaves those who have specific requirements – such as disabled players or fighting game fans – in limbo.
Microsoft has still not responded officially to these developments.