Overwatch Hero 31 may have accidentally been leaked

Alan Bernal

The Overwatch developers have been steadily ramping up for the release of the highly anticipated Hero 31, but what looks to be a leak gave players an early look at possible upcoming character named Sigma.

While Blizzard tends to keep things pretty air-tight when it comes to news and the like, it seems as if this leak came from Overwatch World Cup representatives of the Mexico national team.

Cryptic messages and lore build ups aside, players got a good look at the upcoming character’s icon from what looks to be like a log that shows Overwatch player ‘JumpyWizard’ with some time already played on Sigma.

In a July 18 tweet, the Overwatch World Cup Team Mexico account was hyped about the recently confirmed integration of role queue that will be making its way in the game.

Attached to the tweet were four images that related to the impending change for loading into an Overwatch match, but one of the photos instantly grabbed the attention of every player.

Topping the log of the account’s “Time Played” list was a new hero for the game that has yet to be detailed, let alone officially named, for the public’s discretion.

The temp art suggests that someone already has 9 minutes logged with the unreleased hero.

Above Junkrat and Soldier: 76 was the name of a sinister looking man known as Sigma, and while the image is clearly labeled as “temp art” players are already convinced of the incoming character.

The leak so far only contains the character icon and name, which has already been generating a ton of interest from Overwatch players excited for Hero 31.

When will Hero 31 release?

Players itching to get their hands on a new hero might not have long to wait if we take a look at previous Summer releases which typically fall between July 19 and July 27.

But the Summer of 2019 has already seen some changes to the normal Overwatch event schedules, so that could play into a possible delay.

It seems like Baptise barely came into the game just yesterday, but a new hero is definitely on the horizon.

Regardless that would put Hero 31 on a collision course for an August release, leaving players plenty of time to speculate on the man named Sigma.

There has yet to be any confirmation of the new hero, but Overwatch players are bound to know more the closer we get to Hero 31’s official reveal soon.