LoL Teamfight Tactics champion synergies guide: Traits, effects, and more

In League of Legends-based autobattler Teamfight Tactics, building a team of champions with trait synergies is crucial to success.
Teamfight Tactics is Riot Games’ take on the autobattler genre, offering players an entirely different way to face off with the champions and items featured in the popular MOBA.
Rather than piloting champions directly, players must deploy their teams on the field and rely on their composition, positioning, and power levels to secure victory.
One of the core mechanics in Teamfight Tactics is champion synergies – the bonus effects produced by having multiple champions on the board that share traits.
To help you field the strongest teams possible, here’s everything you need to know about champion synergies.

Teamfight Tactics champion traits
All champions have at least two traits: an ‘origin’ and a ‘class’. There are examples, however, of champions with a third trait, such as Gangplank, who has two classes – Blademaster and Gunslinger – in addition to his Pirate origin.
Trait effects require a certain number of champions sharing the trait to be on the field in order to come into effect, and for many the power of the effect will scale up as the number of champions with that trait increases.
Especially as the game progresses and players can field more champions, it becomes crucial to hit as many trait bonuses as possible, with the most powerful traits being central to late-game strategies.
How to give Teamfight Tactics champions new traits
In addition to champions’ default traits, certain traits can be granted to champions with the use of particular items, which means that the champion in question can then contribute to and benefit from that trait’s effects.
Most of the traits that can be granted by items are classes, with only one item giving an additional origin. The following items can confer an additional trait, all of which are built by combining another basic item with the Spatula:
- Youmuu’s Ghostblade – You are an Assassin.
- Blade of the Ruined King – You are a Blademaster.
- Yuumi – You are a Sorcerer.
- Darkin – You are a Demon.
- Knight’s Vow – You are a Knight
- Frozen Mallet – You are Glacial.
Below is a list of all of the champion traits in Teamfight Tactics, which champions they apply to, and what effects they can produce.

Teamfight Tactics Champion Origins
When you have at least [2/4/6] Demons on the field, attacks from Demons have a [25/50/85]% chance to Burn all of the target’s current mana, dealing True Damage equal to mana burnt.
Demon champions:
- Varus
- Elise
- Aatrox
- Morgana
- Evelynn
- Brand
- Swain
When you have at least two Dragons on the field, Dragons are immune to Magic Damage.
Dragon champions:
- Shyvana
- Aurelion Sol
When you have at least one Exile on the field, if there are no adjacent units at the start of combat, the Exile gains a Shield equal to 100% of their maximum health.
Exile champions:
- Yasuo
When you have at least [2/4/6] Glacials on the field, attacks from Glacials have a [25/35/45]% chance to Stun the opponent for 2 seconds.
Glacial champions:
- Lissandra
- Volibear
- Braum
- Ashe
- Sejuani
- Anivia
When you have at least one Robot on the field, Robots start combat with full Mana.
- Blitzcrank
When you have at least two Imperials on the field, a random Imperial deals double damage. When you have four Imperials on the field, all Imperials deal Double Damage.
Imperial champions:
- Darius
- Katarina
- Draven
- Swain
When you have at least three Nobles on the field, a random ally gains 100 Armor and heals 35 health on-hit. When you have at least six Nobles on the field, all allies gain 100 Armor and heal 35 health on-hit.
Noble champions:
- Fiora
- Garen
- Vayne
- Lucian
- Leona
- Kayle
When you have exactly 1 Ninja on the field, the Ninja gains +40% Attack Damage. When you have exactly 4 Ninjas on the field, all Ninjas gain +60% Attack Damage.
Ninja champions:
- Zed
- Shen
- Kennen
- Akali
When you have at least 3 Pirates on the field, you earn up to 4 additional gold at the end of each combat round.
Pirate champions:
- Graves
- Pyke
- Gangplank
- Miss Fortune
- Twisted Fate
When you have at least 2 Phantom champions on the field, a random enemy unit is cursed at the start of combat, reducing their health to 100.
Phantom champions:
- Mordekaiser
- Kindred
- Karthus
When you have at least two Wild champions on the field, for Wild champions each attack generates a stack of Fury, up to five stacks. Each stack of Fury gives 8% Attack Speed.
When you have at least four Wild champions on the field, for all ally champions each attack generates a stack of Fury, up to five stacks. Each stack of Fury gives 8% Attack Speed.
Wild champions:
- Warwick
- Nidalee
- Ahri
- Rengar
- Gnar
When you have at least three Void champions on the field, all auto attacks by all ally champions ignore 50% of the enemy’s Armor.
Void champions:
- Kha’Zix
- Kassadin
- Rek’Sai
- Cho’Gath
When you have at least [3/6] Yordles on the field, Yordles have a [25/60]% Dodge Chance.
Yordle champions:
- Tristana
- Lulu
- Veigar
- Poppy
- Kennen
- Gnar

Teamfight Tactics Champion Classes
When you have at least [3/6] Assassins on the field, Assassins gain [150/300]% Critical Damage
Assassin champions:
- Kha’Zix
- Pyke
- Zed
- Evelynn
- Katarina
- Rengar
- Akali
When you have at least [3/6] Blademasters on the field, Blademaster’s have a 35% chance on hit to proc [1/2] extra attacks.
Blademaster champions:
- Fiora
- Shen
- Aatrox
- Gangplank
- Draven
- Yasuo
When you have at least [2/4] Brawlers on the field, Brawlers gain an additional [300/700] health.
Brawler champions:
- Warwick
- Blitzcrank
- Volibear
- Rek’Sai
- Cho’Gath
When you have at least three Elementalists on the field, you summon an Elemental at the start of combat.
Elementalist champions:
- Lissandra
- Kenne
- Brand
- Anivia
When you have at least two Guardians on the field, Guardians and adjacent allies gain +30 Armor.
Guardian champions:
- Braum
- Leona
When you have at least two Gunslingers on the field, Gunslingers have a 50% chance to attack a random target in range.
When you have at least four Gunslingers on the field, Gunslingers have a 50% chance to attack two targets in range.
Gunslinger champions:
- Tristana
- Graves
- Lucian
- Gangplank
- Miss Fortune
When you have at least [2/4/6] Knights on the field, Knights block [20/40/80] damage from basic attacks.
Knight champions:
- Darius
- Garen
- Mordekaiser
- Poppy
- Sejuani
- Kayle
When you have at least [2/4] Rangers on the field, every three seconds Rangers have a [25/65]% chance to double their Attack Speed for three seconds.
Ranger champions:
- Vayne
- Varus
- Ashe
- Kindred
When you have at least 3 Shapeshifter champions on the field, Shapeshifters transform into their stronger form, gaining 60% of their maximum health.
Shapeshifter champions:
- Nidalee
- Elise
- Shyvana
- Gnar
- Swain
When you have at least [3/6] Sorcerer champions on the field, all allies gain [35/100] Magic Damage.
Sorcerer champions:
- Kassadin
- Ahri
- Lulu
- Veigar
- Morgana
- Aurelion Sol
Last updated: July 22, 2019 – 7:20 AM EDT