LoL devs release cheatsheet for new champion Hwei due to insane complexity

The League of Legends developers have released a cheatsheet for the newest champion Hwei due to the overwhelming complexity of their kit.
League of Legends hosts a wild and varied roster of champions to play. Whether it is the saddest mummy Amumu or the mystical blade dancer of Irelia, the devs have tried their best to offer a champion for everyone. Of course, these champions vary in gameplay, with different playstyles, designs, and difficulty levels, meaning players will have their favorites.
Some of Riot’s more recent champions have been pretty simple in design. Champions like Milio, Naafiri, and Briar hark back to the earlier days of League when ability kits were more clear and basic.
However, Riot has had enough of simple design champions, bringing the mage equivalent of Aphelios, the mid-lane painter Hwei. Hwei comes with ten different abilities, making him one of the most complex champions released to date, so much so that the devs had to release a cheat sheet so players could even begin to understand.
The League of Legends UK, Ireland, and Nordics Twitter accounts shared a cheat sheet that contains every single ability Hwei can use. Hwei is able to open up a spellbook using his first Q, W, and E, which then allows him to cast a separate Q, W, or E. This results in 9 total basic abilities for the mid-lane mage, with his ultimate rounding him out to 10.
Fortunately, each of Hwei’s spellbooks is focused on various aspects. With his Q spellbook dealing damage, his W spellbook focusing on utility, and his E spellbook providing crowd control.
It’s clear that Hwei will be one of the most complex champions introduced into League of Legends and will have an insanely high skill ceiling. This will also likely make the champion difficult to balance with his extremely extensive kit.