Cloud9 announce 2022 Summer LCS roster: Jensen returns, Zven role-swaps

Meg Kay

After a disappointing end to the Spring split that saw the team fail to qualify for MSI, Cloud9 have announced their 2022 Summer split roster, with Jensen returning.

Cloud9’s infamous ‘Korea9’ Spring split experiment has finally come to an end. On May 2, the team announced they were parting ways with MVP top laner Park ‘Summit’ Wootae, along with supports Kim ‘Winsome’ Dongkeon and Jonah ‘Isles’ Rosario.

A report by Upcomer suggested that Ibrahim ‘Fudge’ Allami would return to the top lane for the Summer split after role swapping to mid in Spring, leaving Cloud9 on the hunt for a new mid laner.

These rumors have now been confirmed. Former mid laner Nicolaj ‘Jensen’ Jensen will return to the team after a hiatus from competitive play, and substitute AD Carry Jesper ‘Zven’ Svenningsen will role swap to support. Fudge will return to the top lane.

Jensen’s return and Zven’s role swap

Jensen was notably absent from the LCS in the Spring split, having been left teamless after departing Team Liquid at the end of 2021. As one of the LCS’s most veteran players, he has never missed a World Championship in his career, and is one of North America’s most decorated players.

One of the most surprising moves of this C9 offseason is the role swap of Zven to support. This will be the first time in his career that he has played a role other than AD Carry.

Issues with import restrictions saw Cloud9 unable to field the European veteran on either their Academy or LCS roster for the spring split, forcing Zven to take a brief hiatus from competitive play while still signed to Cloud9 and, according to the organization, still practicing with the team.