Incredible Simpsons Hit & Run mod reimagines the entire game in Futurama

Brad Norton
Futurama Hit and Run mod gameplay

Almost two decades ago The Simpsons Hit & Run quickly became a major success as the Radical Entertainment project dropped players into a GTA-inspired open-world recreation of Springfield. But what if the game focused on 31st century New York instead? Here’s a look at that alternate reality where Futurama Hit & Run existed instead.

Through the 1990s and early 2000s, Matt Groening’s cartoons were everywhere. The Simpsons family became a cultural mainstay, and close behind them followed the story of Phillip J. Fry in Futurama.

While both went on to immense success in the realm of television, the two faired differently when it came to video game adaptations. Where The Simpsons saw more than two dozen gaming spinoffs, Futurama had just one across the PlayStation 2 and original Xbox.

Arguably the most iconic from the former was none other than 2003’s The Simpsons Hit & Run. But what if Futurama was the focus of this particular project instead? No longer a pipe dream, a small team of dedicated modders is making it happen with a full-fledged recreation of the open-world title in Futurama’s sci-fi setting.

Described as a “total conversion mod,” a handful of passionate developers at ‘Slurm Team’ have been working off and on for over three years in bringing this vision to life.

Aiming to “replicate the gameplay of Hit & Run in the world of Futurama,” this ambitious undertaking includes all the features you’d expect from the original release, just thrown into the chaotic world of Futurama instead.

This means both on-foot platforming through an entirely new map along with the obvious emphasis on driving as well. Just from a brief trailer released in August, we can see collectibles scattered around future New York, multiple playable characters in Fry, Leela, and Bender, as well as a number of familiar mission types.

For the time being, there’s no telling when the project may be finalized. Devs did tease an early demo build is set to release sometime throughout August or September.

Given the scope of the mod, completely reworking the classic Simpsons game from the ground up to fit Futurama, there’s no doubt it’ll be worth the wait.