How to Complete the “Dance with others to raise the Disco Ball near Loot Lake” Challenge for Fortnite Battle Royale

Continuing our challenge guides for Week 5 of Season 4 in Fortnite Battle Royale, here is how to complete the “Dance with others to raise the Disco Ball near Loot Lake” challenge.
Each week Epic Games release a list of new challenges for Battle Pass players to complete which significantly speeds up that process of earning items and other cosmetics.
Week 5 of Season 4 is now upon us and one of the new challenges also brings an answer to a question that came with the V4.3.0 patch which was released on May 30th.
Soon after the update dropped, players stated to report finding an interesting new “dance party” Easter Egg which involved a disco ball in the middle of the floor which could be raised when all four teammates danced on pads located around the room.
Now everything has been made clear. One of the seven weekly challenges is to “dance with others to raise the Disco Ball near Loot Lake” so you’ll need a full squad or some very friendly opponents in order to complete it.
Simply go to the location marked on the map and dance with three other players on the respective pads in the warehouse in order to complete the challenge.
As always, remember not to leave the game immediately after completing the task. You need to complete the match by being eliminated or winning before it will be applied.
One YouTuber, fear, has already uploaded a video of the challenge in action which can be found below.