Fortnite accidentally leak unreleased ‘Crab Rave’ emote coming soon

An Epic Games employee will probably find themselves in hot water after an unreleased upcoming emote was accidentally tweeted out, then deleted, by the official Fortnite Twitter on June 30.

The official item shop rotates daily, giving players the chance to purchase cosmetic items for their character, emotes to celebrate their Victory Royale, as well as harvesting tools that can make farming materials slightly less boring.

However, eagle eyed fans on Twitter noticed that something was not right after @FortniteGame tweeted out what items would be in rotation for July 1 – noticing the emote that was announced, wasn’t actual present in the shop.

EPIC GAMESThe Fortnite item shop changes every day with new items usually releasing on Tuesdays.

The tweet told fans to go and grab the latest emote ‘Crabby’ which is definitely Fortnite’s impression of the world famous ‘Crab Rave’ dance.

With over 65 million views on YouTube, the Noisestorm song quickly became a meme in the gaming community, especially in Fortnite, players respond with crab emojis when unpopular items or modes are removed from the game.

The tweet in question was quickly deleted but it seemingly confirms that the emote will be heading to the item shop in the near future.

At this point, it is unknown how much the dance will cost, but it’s fair to say it could be one of the most popular items that’s ever been released given the response on social media.


Some fans speculated the emote could be the final reward for the 14 Days of Summer Fortnite challenges, but their hopes were quickly dashed as users rapidly pointed out the tweet stated ‘in the item shop’.

However, players eager to add the famous dance to their locker shouldn’t have to wait too much longer to flaunt their raving skills.

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