DrDisrespect learns that Fortnite’s windows can be as deadly as guns

Daniel Appleford
DrDisrespect breaks character

DrDisrespect found out the hard way that windows in Fortnite OG can be just as deadly as players.

Fortnite has returned to its peak since introducing Fortnite OG on November 3 which saw the return of favorite landing locations and weapons. By turning back time Fortnite has brought back its devoted fanbase.

Additionally, Epic Games is setting new records with over 44 million users playing on the second day of Fortnite OG. Among those 44 million players are some of the game’s most notorious content creators.

Timthetatman, Nickmercs, Ninja and DrDisrepect came together to create the ultimate squad on November 8. Even with the extensive competitive Fortnite experience shared among the four players, DrDisrepect came to realize that there are certain challenges that even the “two-time” cannot conquer.

Fortnite windows are a major in-game challenge.

Tilted Towers is one of the most well-known locations in Fortnite due to the number of players that land there daily. The entire location is filled with high-rise buildings to explore and each of those buildings has windows – a lot of windows.

While trying to escape an attack from enemy players, DrDisrespect attempted to climb through one of the windows in Tilted Towers. Despite trying multiple times to jump or climb his way through the building DrDisrespect was unable to get through.

“Get in there, get in there, get in there,” shouted one of his teammates.

Without the coverage of the building, DrDisrespect was shot in the back by the team that had been hot on his heels. Since DrDisrespect was the only member alive on the team, their squad was eliminated and they were sent back to the lobby. But not before DrDisrespect could get in one final word about what had happened to him.

“F* game, f* game,” said DrDisrespect.

The windows in Tilted Towers and other locations on the map have 3 openings with the largest on the bottom. This is typically where players can jump or climb through but the model is slightly smaller than the player. Which makes jumping in and out quickly next to impossible.

Fortnite has yet to address the issues regarding windows in the game but is still listening to the community’s feedback and implementing changes.

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About The Author

Daniel is a streaming, gaming and esports Writer at Dexerto. His main areas of expertise are Call of Duty and Valorant, but he knows his way around countless games, and is big on streamers and pro players too. You can contact Daniel at daniel.appleford@dexerto.com