Twitch streamer involved in horror car crash while broadcasting tornado chase

Matt Porter

Twitch streamer staffsgtkiba was involved in a frightening car accident when he lost control of his vehicle and rolled a number of times while chasing a tornado in Missouri.

Parts of the United States, including Kansas and Ohio, were hit by devastating tornadoes on May 28, causing huge damage to homes and businesses.

Broadcasting live on Apex Legends when he got home.

Giving viewers an update on his condition and injuries, the streamer stated: “[I’m] bruised. Well, not too many bruises, just my shoulder and side where the seatbelt was touching. Nothing broken, nothing sprained, just a little bit of blood from my hands. All in all, still in good health.”

Storm chasers often follow dangerous weather events in attempts to gather information on their size, ferocity, and path, or out of sheer curiosity and sense of adventure. With the severity of the weather conditions these chasers face, it’s an extremely dangerous undertaking, as staffsgtkiba found out.