Dr Disrespect donates to shroud’s stream just to roast him

Streaming stars Dr Disrespect and Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek have shared a playful rivalry for years, often taunting each other over their performance in games, but with shroud’s move to Mixer, the Doc has had to find new ways to get his attention.
The pair competed against one another in the Code Red Modern Warfare tournament on December 20. The 2v2 tournament was played in the Gunfight mode, and Doc managed to recruit himself CoD World Champion FormaL to compete by his side.
Shroud instead opted to duo up with his girlfriend and fellow streamer Bnans, and they pair were beaten by the Doc and FormaL in what was admittedly a fairly close match.
Dr Disrespect and FormaL proved to be a formidable due throughout in fact, only eventually losing out to Dallas Empire’s star duos, who went on to win the event overall.
By this time, shroud had already moved back to playing Escape from Tarkov, which has been his game of choice for a few months, but the Doc made sure to remind him of his loss.
Heading over to Mixer to catch up with his old Twitch rival, Dr Disrespect knew he would have to get shroud’s attention, and so sent in a $50 donation – just to mock him for the defeat.
“You thought Hannah was enough to bring you to the championships? I made sure my ponytail was flapping in the wind for that last shotgun blast,” the message read.
Although it could have been someone imitating the Doc, shroud instantly recognized the tone and was sure it was his fellow streamer. “I’m assuming that’s actually Doc – we had a close game though, we almost gotcha!”
At this point, shroud is used to having Dr Disrespect send odd messages through donations, as it’s often the only way to get in contact during a long stream session.
Previously, at the height of WoW Classic’s popularity, the Doc tried to save his friend from the game’s addictive qualities with a whopping $100 donation, pleading with him to move back to other games.
However, despite Doc’s mockery, shroud lives safe in the knowledge that he is widely considered the better player in almost any game he touched, even if he was bettered on this occasion.
Dr Disrespect may not have the pedigree of the former CSGO professional, but his highly-entertaining character mixed with stellar gameplay is what keeps him at the top of the streaming game.