Baldur’s Gate 3 x Doom mod project in the works

Scott Baird
Baldur's Gate 3 x Doom mod project in the works

A GZdoom mod centered around the Githyanki race from Baldur’s Gate 3 and Dungeons & Dragons is currently in development.

It didn’t take long after the original Doom was released in ’94 for a developer to use the same gameplay style with the fantasy genre, switching out the demons in space for monsters in castles. The trend started with Heretic by Raven Software, and the concept would be used in various games and Doom mods.

Despite being one of the most famous fantasy licenses in the world, there have only been a handful of Dungeons & Dragons FPS games over the years. There were certainly first-person games (like the Eye of the Beholder series), but they were still RPGs, focusing on planning and strategy over shooting and explosions.

D&D and Doom are perfect for a crossover, and one fan is making it happen. The Vikintor YouTube channel has uploaded development footage of a mod for GZdoom centered around the Githyanki race, as they appear in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Vikintor is currently working on a map called Githmap that uses digitized sprites of Githyanki characters they created in Baldur’s Gate 3. Githmap is set in a stronghold in Tu’narath, a Githyanki city in D&D’s Astral Plane, rather than a location from the Forgotten Realms itself, so there is no exploring the Creche in Doom.

The current scope of the map is to allow players to explore the stronghold and interact with different Githyanki characters using options from a dialogue tree rather than shooting monsters in the face (as is the case with most GZdoom mods). Githmap is still in development, so its scope may expand over time.

The Payday 3 developers are currently producing a D&D multiplayer game, but it won’t be out for a few more years. As such, there’s plenty of opportunity for D&D-themed mods for Doom, especially following the popularity of Baldur’s Gate 3 in 2023.