Apex Legends players claim console Ranked is “literally unplayable” due to teaming

Philip Trahan
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Apex Legends players on console have claimed that Ranked is unplayable during Season 20 thanks to rampant teaming in the higher ranks.

As with nearly every season in the past, Apex Legends Season 20 introduced changes to Ranked compared to the previous season.

In Season 20, LP has been removed in favor of RP returning. Players also get bigger returns for eliminating higher-tier players and fans will be matched based on their RP value instead of the hidden MMR.

However, some console players have claimed that Ranked is “literally unplayable” in Season 20 thanks to rampant teaming plaguing the higher ranks.

Apex Legends console players slam Season 20 Ranked

A post on the Apex Legends subreddit highlighted the issue after a user by the name of by_Zyno made a post that showcased evidence of teaming.

They included a nearly two-minute-long clip showing a spectator in a Ranked match. The clip showed clear evidence of multiple squads teaming in Ranked. After some time, the player reports each squad member after watching their behavior.

The OP said, “…So in every lobby on Console you have People blatantly teaming with 6/9/12 Players, are we just pretending that everything is fine and let them continue with this? About 50% of current Console Preds are doing this, Ranked is literally unplayable right now.”

While some pointed out the OP was exaggerated with their “50%” estimate, players acknowledged teaming as a serious problem in Ranked.

“I, like the OP, and the many other posts with video evidence have encountered many teamers,” claimed one fan. “It is most prevalent in Master/Pred lobbies yet it also occurs in Diamond lobbies since they are the back fill used to fill the top ranked lobbies.”

Some players even claimed to see teaming more frequently outside of Ranked as well. “I feel like I’m running into this on regular battle royal, I mostly play duos on console and it’s becoming frequent.”

In a primarily skill-based game mode like Ranked, it’s unfortunate whenever players provide evidence of blatant cheating. Hopefully, developer Respawn can crack down on offending players as Season 20 continues.