Idiot IRL streamer pulled over for trying to ride electric scooter on highway

Mexican Andy, a part of Ice_Poseidon’s IRL streaming crew, was pulled over for trying to take his electric scooter onto the highway.

Andy didn’t even get past the on-ramp before the highway patrol had spotted him and yelled at him to pull over through the bullhorn.

He quickly realized he had messed up, and just kept repeating “I’m an idiot” as he dragged his scooter down the on-ramp so the cops could give him a ticket.

To make things even worse for Andy, these cops seemed pissed and yelled at him to “hurry up” as he walked alongside a busy LA highway.

In response to the repeated bullhorn calls, Andy called the patrol a “bitch” and decided to not turn off his stream until they were actually out of the car.

Even though Ice and Andy have a working relationship – the two went on a road trip in Spring of 2018 – Ice’s community is not very fond of Andy.

A post in Ice’s quarantined subreddit titled “Why we dislike Mexican Andy” was well upvoted and finished with the line: “When I see Mexican Andy on the stream, I honestly see in him the reason why the world has as many problems as it does.”

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