Everything Treyarch are working on after Day Two of the Blackout Private Beta – Armor, Inventory, and More

Albert Petrosyan

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 developers Treyarch have released an updated list of things they are looking at working on after Day Two of the Blackout battle royale private beta.

The list highlights and covers a variety of in-game mechanics and aspects, including Armor, weapons, Zombies, Item distribution, Inventory management, kill credit, ladders, and reporting bad behavior.

Most of these topics have been commonly mentioned in many of the feedback from the community, and Treyarch have thus responded by looking into how these mechanics can be adjusted and fine-tuned for that the gaming experience is fun, fresh, and balanced.

  • Level 2 & 3 Armor: As with the MP Beta, we’re taking a cautious approach to changes to Armor during the Blackout Beta as we keep an eye on overall gameplay balance. As part of a secondary update that recently went live yesterday, we fixed a bug where all explosive damage was not impacting Level 3 Armor. We are currently evaluating and testing where and how often Level 3 Armor makes its appearance, as well as reducing its absorption properties (will transfer more damage and break easier). In doing so, we are also evaluating Level 2 armor to adjust appropriately.
  • Weapons: We slowed down the rate at which you can aim down the sights of the Koshka sniper rifle, and continue to carefully measure the performance and popularity of other weapons. We’ve got our eyes on the Vapr right now. It’s an incredibly popular weapon (no doubt given how powerful its suppressor is), but it hasn’t precisely proven to be overpowered.
  • Zombies: Zombies can attack you from a range we didn’t intend. We are testing the fix for this right now.
  • Item Distribution: This important game system governs how many of which type of Item (be it a Weapon, Perk Consumable, Backpack, Attachment, or anything else) appears at any Destination, in a Supply Drop, or in a Stash. We continue to slowly refine the quantity, frequency, and quality of those Items.
  • Item/Inventory Management: We’ve gotten a ton of great feedback about the Inventory and Item management systems in Blackout. As a start, we’ve decreased how long it takes to pick up Items in the world. Additionally, we automatically close the Quick Equip menu if you haven’t interacted with it within 5 seconds. We are currently evaluating additional “quality of life” features to improve this experience, including how you interact with a Stash and manage Attachments on weapons more efficiently. Some of these are complex systems and may not be ready before the Beta period ends.
  • Kill Credit: We’ve seen that there are certain situations where players are not being properly credited for kills. We’re looking to track down all the different scenarios where this happens and will fix them for launch.
  • Ladders: We’re aware that a number of players have had issues backing down ladders. The team is considering ways to address this. Adjustments to climbing down ladders may not make it into the Beta, but we’re looking at it in time for launch. As a reminder, it’s always faster to base jump if you’re high enough. Sprint towards the edge and press and hold the Jump button.
  • Reporting Bad Behavior: As we mentioned in our first update, we’re continuing to track bad player behavior with our security team and have been banning users for intentional team killing. If you encounter this or other bad behavior in-game, you can be part of the solution by using the “Report Player” system in the Social menu to report:
    • Offensive Language
    • Cheating
    • Griefing

The developers are already working on a way to improve Armor in Blackout, and there should be a major adjustment pushed out for it as early as September 13, according to Treyarch Game Design Director David Vonderhaar.

In addition to the items listed above, Treyarch have already pushed through some live updates on September 12, which includes the new ‘Fast Collapse’ playlist.

  • Playlist Updates:
    • Added new “Fast Collapse” playlist (notes above).
  • Miscellaneous Fixes:
    • General stability and matchmaking fixes.
    • Downed players can no longer interact with their Inventory.
    • Fixed an issue where a raft was spawning upside down near Hydro Dam.
    • Fixed an exploit that could lead to unlimited ammo.
  • Tuning Updates:
    • Armor: Players wearing Level 3 armor will now take explosive damage.
    • Titan: Fixed the reticle on the gold Titan.
    • Koshka: Headshots will no longer 1-shot players with 200HP.
    • Paladin: Headshots will no longer 1-shot players with 200HP.

This post is yet another example of how high the developers are prioritizing community feedback, and that Treyarch are delivering on their promise to maintain constant communication with the player-base.

As always, those who have tried out Blackout are encouraged to give their honest feedback, and can do so via any of the following channels:

  • Twitter: @Treyarch and @ATVIAssist
  • Console: Depending on the technical issue, you may be given the opportunity to “report a problem” directly on your console. If that happens, please do so, as it helps us track down the source of issue.
  • Survey: After you’ve played the Beta, you will be given the opportunity to provide us with direct feedback through a survey. Stay tuned for a link at the end of the Blackout Beta period.

The Blackout private beta is currently live on Playstation 4 until September 17. Players on the Xbox One and PC will have to wait until the 14th-17th to try out the Private Beta. The beta on PC will become open from September 15-17.

Source – Reddit

About The Author

Albert is a former esports and gaming writer, focused particularly on Call of Duty and content creators. Spending over three years at Dexerto, Albert eventually now works with streamer NICKMERCS and the MFAM group. You can find Albert @AlbertoRavioli on Twitter.