WoW players split over “broken” Phase Two classes in Season of Discovery

James Lynch
Different classes assembled for phase two of Season of Discovery

Season of Discovery has made significant changes to how classes function in Classic World of Warcraft, and players disagree on which is in the best place to dominate Phase Two.

The big new system that drastically altered the landscape for each class was the Rune Engraving system. This allows players to unlock new powers and abilities for their chosen character. Some of these are borrowed from later editions of the game while others are entirely designed with Season of Discovery in mind.

The difference is so drastic that some classes are now able to operate in roles that were previously impossible in Vanilla Warcraft or any other flavor of the game. This has vastly altered the meta and the first phase of the game has seen winners and losers aplenty.

Now, the game’s community is debating which class will be the strongest in Phase Two, with many failing to come to a consensus.

Phase Two looks set to change Season of Discovery entirely

In a post on Reddit, one curious player asked the community who they felt was in the best place to thrive during Phase Two.

As is so often the case with the WoW community more generally, many disagreed on the right call. Some picked Mage, with one saying: “I think Frost mages with fingers of Frost and icy veins will be shattering the f**k out of people.”

Many turned to Warrior as the clear choice for topping the DPS meters. One said: “[Warrior is] not a bad bet. They would have to delete rage as a mechanic for warriors not to be the best. Lvl25 was where warriors were supposed to be weakest. Now they get WW and BT/MS? It’s donezo.”

The last real standout choice was Druid, with Starsurge getting a new lease of life in Season of Discovery. One person added: “For PvP, balance will be absolutely insane if Starsurge doesn’t go through a balance pass. I’m pretty sure they’re (balance druids) about to get 100% more crit damage on it and 15% chance to stun from talents. It’ll be an instant cast that does 60% + hp on a crit that can stun… on a 6 sec CD.”

The fun thing about Season of Discovery is that it has given players so much to mess around with. Even though one or two will inevitably rise to the top, there will be plenty for players to enjoy in Phase Two, regardless of class selection.