WoW Alliance guilds start epic war with Horde for BFD control in Season of Discovery

James Lynch
A player discovers a Rune in Season of Discovery

One of the most enthralling elements of Classic World of Warcraft is the genuine rivalry between the game’s two playable factions. This is no exception in Season of Discovery, and one server has just seen a battle for the ages.

As time progressed, Retail WoW moved further away from the oppositional nature of the Horde and Alliance. Instead, they have primarily chosen to craft the narrative around collaboration in the face of more significant existential threats.

Though there was a (partial) return to the old ways in Battle for Azeroth, it never managed to recapture the large-scale PvP of the early game. It’s also true that the mechanics of Vanilla WoW lend themselves to conflicts like this. With far less utility for each class, it really was a case of teamwork and numbers winning the day.

Now, one such war has broken out in Season of Discovery, and it encapsulates the very best the game has to offer.

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In a post on Reddit, one user shared a video after participating in a vast pitched battle near Zoram’gar Outpost.

The story goes that all-Dwarf guild Clan Battlehammer and an inclusive guild known as Stronghold formed a temporary alliance. They did so with the express purpose of limiting Horde access to the BFD raid. After successfully managing to do so, this attack eventually culminated in their complete control of Zoram’gar Outpost itself.

The war didn’t end there, though. After hearing of the defeat of their faction, the Horde Guild WOODDEPARTMENT began to mobilize. They attacked, eventually retaking the Outpost and sending the decimated Dwarf and Human forces scattering into Darkshore.

Though Horde won out on this occasion, there will be plenty more opportunities for the Alliance to get their own back as Season of Discovery progresses. With Phase Two set to start on February 8, it won’t be long before we can see how the meta between the factions shifts.