Zack Snyder didn’t actually “forbid” chairs on set

Jasmine Valentine
Zack Snyder on the set of Rebel Moon

He’s the man of the moment – but now director Zack Snyder has made a U-turn on his infamous chair ban, stating he didn’t actually “forbid” it at all.

The director is currently back in the public eye thanks to his new movie Rebel Moon, with Part One now streaming on Netflix.

The film follows a colony on the edge of the galaxy that finds itself threatened by the armies of the tyrannical Regent Balisarius, dispatching a young woman with a mysterious past to seek out warriors from neighboring planets to help them take a stand.

However, it’s Snyder’s infamous 2021 chair ban that is now getting attention, with the director clarifying comments made in earlier interviews.

Zack Snyder didn’t actually “forbid” chairs on set

During an interview with Letterboxd for Rebel Moon, Zack Snyder revealed that he didn’t actually “forbid” chairs on the set of his 2021 zombie film Army of the Dead.

According to Snyder, he never specified that other people couldn’t have chairs – he just didn’t have one himself.

“We had no video village on the movie. We had no chairs on the movie… well, I mean, you could bring your own chair and that was fine, like a little stool or folding chair,” Snyder explained. “I had an apple crate with this pad on it. And everyone’s like, ‘Oh, Zack said, No chairs. He forbid chairs, that’s rude.’ I didn’t forbid chairs; I just didn’t want to have them. We were moving fast, so if you could bring a camping chair, by all means, camp out.

“But I didn’t have a chair and I just was like, ‘I’m standing or running this entire movie,’ and I did that. And it was great. And I loved it. As a way of shooting, it really inspired me, I was in love with it and in love with making movies.”

After Snyder’s infamous chair ban became public knowledge after the movie’s release, stars were quick to clarify his comments in follow-up interviews.

Speaking to Insider at the time, actress Ana de la Reguera stated “There were chairs. They were just really far away from set.”

Much like Rebel Moon, Army of the Dead headed straight to Netflix. The film’s synopsis reads “After a zombie outbreak in Las Vegas, a group of mercenaries take the ultimate gamble and venture into the quarantine zone in hopes of pulling off an impossible heist.”

The film currently has a 67% Tomatometer rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Rebel Moon is on Netflix now. You can check out our other coverage below: