Writer hits back at studios’ claim WGA strike won’t end until they’re broke

Meera Jacka
Writer hits back at studios' claim WGA strike won't end until they're broke

As the WGA strike continues, one writer has spoken up against Hollywood studios’ claims that “they’re going to let it bleed out”.

For the last few months, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) has been on strike demanding fair pay, forcing many productions to be put on hold.

Recently, sources told Deadline that the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) has no plans of negotiating any time soon, stating, “The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses.”

In light of these comments, one writer is hitting back, making it clear that the strikers are in it “for the long haul”.

Adam Conover is a standup comic, writer, and TV host, and has previously worked with Netflix to create The G Word.

In response to the studios’ latest update regarding their stance on the strike, Conover took to Twitter to share his thoughts.

“I cannot believe that they said this,” Conover exclaimed. “They took the mask off, they told on themselves bigger than anyone I have ever seen.”

He then went on to add, “But also, they are dead f****** wrong.”

Conover went on to explain that WGA has a strike fund used to support those struggling and would not be backing down until their needs were met.

“We are not going to leave this picket line. We are going to keep withholding our labor until the companies come back to the table and make a fair deal,” he said.

Conover concluded his video by standing strong and stating, “They are not starving us out; we are starving them out. And until they come back to the table there will be no writing.”

Twitter users showered Conover’s video with support, with one person even suggesting that consumers help the strike by refusing to use streaming platforms.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated as the story progresses. For all the latest entertainment news, be sure to check out our page here.