Doctor Who fan has horrifying theory about new episode

Jessica Cullen
Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday in Doctor Who

We’re only a month out from the return of Doctor Who, and fans are spending their time coming up with some very entertaining ideas for possible plots.

One of the most detailed theories to date surrounding the Doctor Who Season 14 episodes comes from a fan, who recently posted an entire theory about one new story that’s soon to come.

The theory pertains to the upcoming episode ’73 Yards’, and was explained on an X thread that laid out a potential storyline based on clips and images from the trailer.

“The episode begins much like any other,” they begin. “The Doctor and Ruby land on a cliffside and all is well but something happens….and The Doctor vanishes! Cue companion heavy, Doctor Lite episode.

“Then Ruby notices a figure in the distance… just standing there exactly 73 Yards away, staring blankly. And she’s unsettled but it eventually vanishes too. She waits hoping The Doctor will reappear but eventually decides that it’s futile and heads back home…to Minto Road.

“When Ruby returns home, she sees the figure again, standing exactly 73 Yards away, and this time, she can make out that it’s a woman but she’s still unsettled.”

The user then suggests that Ruby returns to the TARDIS frequently over the next few months. All the while, the mysterious woman still stalks her. Eventually, she leaves the TARDIS behind and moves on with her life.

Ruby then confronts the entity years later, and as a result of her defeating the figure, the Doctor returns. A frightening figure lingering in the background, a companion in turmoil without the Doctor… It all sounds like great fodder for a Doctor Who episode, and the majority of fans seem to agree.

“Sounds like it has the potential to be a spooky episode,” said one user. A second comment agreed, writing: “Honestly I can definitely see it being along the lines of this!”

Another even offered a twist, saying: “What if the old lady is Ruby Sunday? Who waited for the Doctor to come back after so many years?”

While some fans have already found reason to complain about the upcoming episodes, this sounds like this one could have the makings of a classic, crouching-behind-the-couch adventure. Of course, this is all fan theory for now, but fingers crossed that they’re onto something!

Find even more TV shows to stream this month while you wait for new episodes.