Viral gymnast Livvy Dunne accuses TikTok of censoring her through shadow bans

Virginia Glaze

Internet-famous LSU gymnast Olivia ‘Livvy’ Dunne is convinced TikTok has shadow-banned her after her views on the platform tanked.

Livvy Dunne is one of the most prominent athletes on social media. Aside from her status as a D1 athlete for Louisiana State University, she’s a big deal online, boasting millions of followers across multiple platforms.

In fact, Dunne is so popular that LSU had to step up security at its gymnastics competitions last year… but it looks like her current views on TikTok aren’t living up to the hype.

Despite Dunne’s nearly 8 million followers, her views have tanked over the last 24 hours. Generally, Dunne’s videos garner at least one million views each, with her lowest over the last week being 1.3 and her highest being racking up 7 million.

Livvy Dunne is one of the highest-valued female collegiate athletes.

Livvy Dunne convinced TikTok has shadowbanned her

On March 13, Dunne uploaded a video showing the creative way she literally ‘flips’ into bed at night… and a day later, it’s only garnered over 200K views.

The situation clearly baffled Dunne, who asked in a comment: “What in the shadowban is going on here?”

‘Shadow bans’ refer to instances where platforms suppress an account’s reach without outright nuking their profile… something Dunne believes is currently happening to her, although it’s unclear why, or if it’s actually taking place.

This isn’t the first time the gymnast has accused TikTok of shadowbanning her, either. Just a few months prior, in December 2023, Dunne was convinced the platform was taking subtle action against her content when her views experienced similar lows.


After asking why she was shadow banned, viewers confirmed that they weren’t seeing her on their timelines anymore — comments that are also being left on her latest remark about her possible shadow ban.

For now, there’s no explanation for Dunne’s low views, but it’s clear she’s convinced she’s being punished by the platform for an unknown reason.