Apple’s foldable iPhone allegedly delayed but there’s a silver lining

Anurag Singh
Apple Foldable silhouette on gradient background

A new supply chain report claims Apple has delayed the rumored foldable iPhones to 2027, but it’s not all bad news.

Digitimes, citing a Korean publication, reports that Apple executives have postponed the launch of the foldable iPhone from the fourth quarter of 2026 to the first quarter of 2027. This adjustment comes after considering various factors, including the preparation for foldable display supply.

However, the report suggests that Apple is hard at work developing the foldable iPhone and has moved some of the Vision Pro engineers to the project. “Staff who previously worked on the Vision Pro were allegedly sent to work on foldable devices instead,” claims the report.

The report doesn’t offer any other new information about the foldable iPhone but reiterates what’s already known. So far, there are no concrete details about the rumored iPhone model, only rumors that may or may not be true.

For instance, a February 2024 report claimed Apple’s first foldable device will replace iPad Mini with an 8-inch display. It didn’t specify whether the device would be an iPad or an iPhone. Digitimes itself claimed last month that Apple’s first foldable won’t be an iPhone.

The Elec reported back in December 2023 that Apple’s display manufacturer, Samsung, is already preparing foldable iPhone and iPad orders, suggesting that a launch might be near. Another report from the same month suggests that Apple is prioritizing OLED iPads and MacBooks over foldable devices. As of now, there are no indications of either product.