Starfield players split on whether “raining NPCs” are a bug or a feature

John Esposito
Starfield Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 style update

While casually strolling the streets of New Atlantis, a Starfield player encounters one of the weirdest weather cases to date.

Bethesda’s latest game, Starfield, is very much a Bethesda product, meaning there’s plenty to uncover and experience. From ship and outpost building, the game’s core mechanics will keep players busy for some time. However, that experience comes with an inherent layer of Bethesda jank.

Yet, it’s the silly bugs that shine a light on the charm of Bethesda’s titles. Moments like Super Mario Sarah have created some fond memories for many players through their space-traveling adventure.

One player was left speechless as their walk through New Atlantis saw… what could be termed strange weather.

Starfield player encounters “NPC rain”

During a casual stroll in New Atlantis, a player’s peaceful experience was interrupted by a random NPC, who came down from the sky. The NPC hit the ground and, rather than splatting on impact, they sort of just made a weird pose and died a second after impact.

As the crowd continued with their business, the player walked over and checked the man’s pockets. In a surprise change of heart, Sarah urged the player not to leave anything behind, to which the player gladly helped themself to a medkit and a stash of credits.

“Damn, you empty his pockets and then she walks right over him. I didn’t realize New Atlantis was so hardcore” a user commented.

Despite many jokes around this chai of events, some fans went deeper into Bethesda lore, as they believed it could be a reference to Morrowind. Early on in the game, Morrowwind players would encounter an elf in a similar scenario. However, said elf was testing a super jumping potion.

One player summarized the events, “I’m not sure if anyone here is old enough to remember Morrowind. The same thing happened outside the first town you visited. Elf guy drops from the sky. Turns out he was testing a new potion that would allow him to “fly,” but instead, it was just a super jumping potion. lol you can use it yourself….but then you die.”

That said, this man didn’t have any mystical potions on him or anything of the sort. Though, as morbid as it sounds, he may have just been jumping of his own accord. This is something that happens randomly in Cyberpunk 2077 after all, so it’s hard to say.

Either way, just keep your eyes peeled when traversing Starfield’s vast galaxy. Especially in its cities with tall buildings.