Star Wars Jedi Survivor: How to restore missing pre-order bonus items on Xbox

Brianna Reeves
jedi survivor pre-order bonus

Players have seemingly found a way to restore lost pre-order bonus items that disappeared after Star Wars Jedi Survivor’s recent update.

All who pre-purchased Jedi Survivor received three bonus items – the Combustion Blaster Set, as well as the Obi-Wan Kenobi-inspired Hermit Outfit and Hermit Lightsaber Set.

In addition, the Deluxe Edition included The New Hero Cosmetic Pack and The Galactic Hero Cosmetic Pack, both featuring an extra cosmetic item for Cal, BD-1, and the Blaster/Lightsaber.

After the latest update, however, players noticed that items such as the Hermit attire had suddenly gone missing in their inventory, specifically on PC and Xbox platforms. Fortunately, it seems the problem’s been solved.

How to restore Jedi Survivor’s missing pre-order items on Xbox

EA Forums user @ThisNameIsSilly said they figured out how to restore their pre-order and Deluxe Edition extras on Xbox. The process seems simple, too.

Users need only to sign out of their Xbox account, then sign back in. Previously accessible Jedi Survivor DLC should return upon booting up the game again.

Several users in the EA Forums thread thanked the poster for the advice, saying this method worked for them without issue.

jedi survivor pre-order bonus
Star Wars Jedi Survivor’s pre-order bonus content

How to restore Jedi Survivor’s missing pre-order items on PC

A Steam user uncovered a rather simple solution for those who’ve encountered the same issue on PC, as well. One person instructed fellow players to: Go to the DLC list located in Library, untick the DLC in question, then reselect that same item.

Upon restarting the game, those previously missing extras should reappear. According to someone else in the thread, this worked like a charm.

Suddenly missing pre-order bonuses isn’t the only problem that’s plagued the otherwise acclaimed Star Wars title since launch.

Jedi Survivor’s PC version, in particular, arrived in a shockingly poor state, beset by performance issues, audio bugs, and distracting graphical glitches. Developer Respawn continues to roll out patches to solve these problems and others.