Nick Dunlap becomes youngest PGA Tour’s The American Express winner in a century

Eleni Thomas
Nick Dunlap

Amateur golf star Nick Dunlap has made history by becoming the youngest amateur to win The American Express tournament in over a century.

Less than a month into 2024 and the year is already shaping up to be a special time for sporting fans. With the Australian Open currently running and the Paris Olympics on the way, sporting fanatics have got a lot to look forward to now and in the months to come.

And while we may only be three weeks into the year, one athlete has already managed to make history.

Amateur golf star Nick Dunlap just won PGA Tour’s The American Express tournament, the 20-year-old displaying an impressive amount of composure and maturity to close out the tournament.

Dunlap, who is a sophomore at the University of Alabama, managed to sink the winning par putt from almost six feet away at the 18th hole to secure his victory.

In doing so, Dunlap became the first amateur to win The American Express in over 30 years. As well as this, he is also now the youngest amateur to get a win on the PGA tour since 1910.

However, while the golfing star has been able to overcome the odds in such an upset win, he will be celebrating the achievement without earning the multi-million dollar prize that it typically comes with.

This is due to the current rules in place that prohibit amateur players from taking home the $1.51 million dollar prize. As a result, the money will now go to runner-up Christiaan Bezuidenhout, who finished on 260 after a closing 65.

All across social media, sport fans and fellow athletes have been voicing their praise and congratulations to the young star.

A former pro player wrote on Twitter, “Congratulations to Nick Dunlap for winning the American Express and becoming the first amateur since Phil Mickelson in 1991 to win a PGA Tour event…Witnessing history never gets old.” 

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