Rainbow Six Siege devs hint at IQ, Twitch and Kali buffs in future updates

Jacob Hale
twitch iq kali buffs rainbow six siege

The devs behind Rainbow Six Siege have hinted that some popular Operators will be receiving important buffs going forward, with IQ, Twitch and Kali becoming even more viable options down the line.

Each of these Operators have had varying impacts on the meta throughout the years, especially with IQ and Twitch being day one characters.

In a recent AMA (Ask Me Anything) on the Rainbow Six subreddit, the Siege devs took a whole bunch of questions from players and gave in-depth responses to the most pertinent.

Of course, this included several thoughts and hints of things to come for Siege, including possible map changes, ideas for ranked matchmaking and, most importantly, Operator buffs and nerfs. But which characters are set to improve down the line?

IQ buffs

iq rainbow six siege
IQ is one of the original Rainbow Six Siege operators.

Responding to one question about IQ becoming “less relevant” throughout the seasons, game director Aurélie Débant said that “there is a plan for IQ to improve the intel sharing” somewhere down the line.

It’s not clear what exactly this means, but the insistence to “stay tuned” suggests we might hear more on this sooner rather than later.

Twitch buffs

Twitch rainbow six siege operator
Twitch is one of the original Rainbow Six Siege operators.

Another player asked about Twitch, questioning why her gadget “completely prevents her from having two regular drones like every other attacker.” They also note that “Twitch is outpaced gadget-wise by more recent Operators,” perhaps making her less appealing to most players to those with more utility.

Débant responded in complete agreement, adding that there is “news coming (very) soon for Twitch.”

Kali sniper buff

kali rainbow six siege operator
Kali arrived at the end of Year 4, but her sniper rifle primary weapon has drawn some criticism from players.

Finally, Débant suggested that changes could be coming to Kali to make her a more viable pick at all levels of play.

“We need to look at the sniper itself and how to buff it,” she said when asked about Kali’s divisive primary weapon. “We still believe in a bolt action sniper rifle in Siege. We are aware that this is a very polarizing weapon, and that some are convinced otherwise, but this is still an option that we want available in the game.”

She added that they have “no plan to share yet” regarding this change.

Of course, there was no real timeline or hints at what changes could be made to any of the above, but they’re all clearly things the team is looking to address.

This could be as soon as Y6S3, but at the time of writing, there’s no way to tell.