Pokemon Go fans furious after Niantic removes Sustainability Week buddy bonus as event rolls out globally

Jeremy Gan

Pokemon Go fans are furious after Niantic removed the buddy bonus from Sustainability Week as the event rolls out worldwide. 

Pokemon Go events will always be some of the game’s most important moments, as it gives players a wave of new content to enjoy and embark on. The most recent announcement for new Pokemon Go content was the new Sustainability Week Event for 2023.

With it, players are treated to new encounters, eggs to hatch, and most importantly, bonuses. However, right as Sustainability week is rolling out globally, Niantic has removed one of them. 

In a tweet by Niantic Support, they clarified that one of the bonuses included in their announcement for the event was an error. 

“We’d like to clarify that there is an error with our infographic for the Sustainability Week event bonuses” the tweet read. “The stated ‘1/2 distance to earn Candy with your Buddy Pokemon’ will not be available as a bonus for this event.”

Pokemon Go fans hit back at devs for Sustainability Week event confusion

However, PoGo fans are not happy with the news at all. As a player points out, this is not the first time Niantic has made an error in its announcement. As on April 18, the devs apologized for an error in the Sustainability Week regarding the number of kilometers it would take to hatch an egg. 

Another player bluntly added, “you are just trolling at this point”.

“If you want to stop developing Pokemon Go just say so and give it to another company”, said another player, furious at Niantic’s mishaps with Pokemon Go in the past few months. 

As well as this, Streamer RaidAway questioned why don’t the devs add the bonus in the game instead of backtracking on the mistake. “Even if it was a mistake to put it on the infographic, why wouldn’t you just add it to please everyone?” he said.