Another Fortnite Portal Has Formed in Moisty Mire

Yet another portal has appeared in Fortnite, this time in Moisty Mire.

These have been popping up all over the map ever since the Rocket Launch event on June 30th that opened a crack in the sky.

The portals were destructive at first. They would appear over landmarks on the map, then expand the following day.

The landmark would then suffer damage to the expanding portal, usually a piece of it going missing.

So far, Durr Burger, Lonely Lodge, Retail Row, a Motel and the Tomato head in Tomato Town have all been damaged by expanding portals.

However, the most recent example was not destructive like the others. It appeared on a mountain near Greasy Grove, away from any landmarks. The portal then dropped a wooden anchor in its place.

This new portal in Moisty Mire appears to have the same qualities as the Greasy Grove one, since there are no landmarks nearby.

That means one could expect a new object to appear in this location, sometime during July 8th, since the previous one was around for 24 hours before dropping the anchor.

The object may be another clue to what Season 5 holds when it launches on July 12th.

Image Source: sud4nym