What does SR mean on Snapchat?

Kawter Abed
Snapchat logo over picture of a phone

If you’re an avid Snapchat user, you have probably come across the widely-used term ‘SR.’ But what exactly does this acronym mean? Here’s everything to know.

Snapchat is renowned for its unique features, which includes the ability for users to easily exchange disappearing messages and images with their friends.

Like many other social media and messaging platforms, Snapchat is full of different slang terms and acronyms that make it quicker and easier to talk to people on the app. But if you’re out of the loop, it can be hard to understand some of these.

If you’ve seen the popular term ‘SR’ used in either direct messages, or someone else’s story, here’s everything you need to know about what it means.

Snapchat logo yellow background

SR meaning on Snapchat

On Snapchat, SR usually stands for ‘Slow Replies.’ This acronym is used to indicate that a user might not be able to reply to messages promptly. It’s a heads-up to friends and contacts, letting them know that delays in response should be expected.

The usage of this term can vary depending on the context. For example, someone might put “SR” in their status or send it as a message to let others know they are currently busy with other tasks.

It’s also commonly used when a user prefers to limit their online interactions, whether that’s due to being in a social setting, focusing on self-care, or simply taking a break from social media.

While it is frequently used on Snapchat, the term is not unique to the app, and you may see it used across various other social media platforms including Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and TikTok.

If there are any other terms and phrases you don’t know the meaning of, you can check out our guide here to learn all about Snapchat’s most popular slang.