Study reveals significant male support for Andrew Tate despite trafficking charges

Theo Burman
andrew tate poses

A surprising number of young men in Britain are still supporters of Andrew Tate and his views on how women and relationships should be approached, according to survey data.

Analysis from British polling company YouGov showed that while Andrew Tate remains controversial with the majority of the population, he still enjoys high name recognition across the board and support among specific demographics, most notably younger men.

Andrew Tate rose to prominence after a successful kickboxing career, followed by a series of increasingly controversial statements on how men should approach relationships. His assertions that men are the “owners” of women they’re dating and should seek partners they can control have often put him at the centre of public debate.

However, despite these controversies, Tate is doing better than you’d think in popularity ratings.

One quarter of British men approve of Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate is most popular among men aged 18-29, where 27% have a positive opinion of him. This is also the group that is most likely to have watched his content, with 93% of them knowing who Andrew Tate is.

Despite this, Tate remains a largely unpopular figure with the whole of the British public. Women in particular have a negative opinion of him. Overall, less than 10% of the country said they agreed with Andrew Tate in general.

However, this means that almost a quarter of young men in Britain still have a positive view of Andrew Tate, and even more agree with some of the things he says.

Andrew Tate, alongside his brother Tristan and several other associates, was arrested in Romania last year on suspicion of human trafficking and sexual assault. After several months in prison, they were released onto house arrest and later freed from that, although a formal trial is set to take place over the next few years.

For more news and updates on Andrew Tate, check out our full explainer on why he was arrested, when he was released and when his trial is going to be.