GTA-style police chase ends in car crash as wanted men throw Pokemon cards out window

Michael Gwilliam
pokemon card police chase crash

Police in Alberta, Canada arrested a couple of suspected drug dealers after a “dangerous” car chase that involved stolen Pokemon cards and contraband being thrown from the vehicle.

Crimes involving Pokemon cards have become an all-too-common occurrence with numerous instances of people being robbed of their cards, sometimes even at gunpoint. This latest story, however, is one of the wildest.

At 2:30 in the morning on September 5, police spotted a red Mazda SUV driving without its lights on and soon discovered that the car had been stolen.

A chase then followed, with the vehicle even nearly coming to a head-on collision with officers while the men inside threw stolen Pokemon cards and drugs out the window.

Police recover Pokemon cards after chaotic chase with alleged drug dealers

Constable Bonnie Sauve of the Cochrane RCMP said that officers had to take action as the stolen car was putting members of the public at risk.

“The vehicle was driving quite dangerously endangering the public and almost caused a head-on collision with police. The officers were given permission to deploy a tire deflation device,” she said.

stolen pokemon cards and drugs
Police recovered Pokemon cards and drugs in the car.

Once the dire deflation device stopped the car, one of the males inside began making a run for it and resisted arrest, but officers were able to bust him.

As this was going on, the driver tried to play GTA in real life by trying to get away by driving off, but the car was damaged and he ended up crashing into a fence. He was apprehended shortly thereafter with no civilians being hurt.

Inside the car, police found more drugs and stolen tools. As for the Pokemon cards, the police say that some dealers pay each other with them.

The two men in their 40s, Dereck McInnis and Jason Wilkening, were remanded into custody.

McInnis is charged with charged with possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000, possession for the purpose of trafficking, resisting a police officer and flight from a police officer.

Wilkening, meanwhile, had a Canada-wide warrant and has been charged with possession of property obtained by crime over $5000, possession for the Purpose of Trafficking, and flight from Peace Officer.